FPT “contributes” to promote digital transformation in the fields of infrastructure and agriculture at Industry 4.0 Summit

  • 04/01/2023
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At the Industry 4.0 Summit and International Exhibition 2021 (Industry 4.0 Summit), the largest and most prestigious event in Vietnam on Industry 4.0, FPT Corporation once again affirmed its role in accompanying and promoting national digital transformation, through a holistic approach and an ecosystem of comprehensive, integrated solutions in many areas, including digital infrastructure and hi-tech agriculture.

In 2021, with the theme “Promoting industrialization and modernization of the country in the digital era”, Industry 4.0 Summit 2021 is a place where state agencies, experts and businesses exchange to contribute to the implementation of reality. present the Resolution of the 13th Party Congress.

At Industry 4.0 Summit, FPT attended two seminars on “Digital infrastructure development and promoting the application of digital technology and digital platforms in the construction and management of socio-economic infrastructure” and “Transformation” number of agriculture – rural areas in the process of industrialization and modernization by 2030, with a vision to 2045″.

With the role of accompanying and leading the national digital transformation process, from FPT’s point of view, in order to promote the development of the digital economy, the only way to do this is to implement digital transformation strongly and comprehensively in all regions. government sectors, organizations and businesses. And digital infrastructure is a key component of digital transformation.

FPT has been deeply involved in the development of digital infrastructure in Vietnam, over the years, with the pillars of digital infrastructure including Mobile Network, Internet and Cloud Computing. Notably, with millions of businesses in need of digital transformation, Cloud is the key to solving problems, thereby creating motivation for the digital economy to grow dramatically, towards the goal of achieving proportion of 20% of the country’s GDP by 2025.

Mr. Phan Hong Tam – Infrastructure Director of FPT Smart Cloud shared: “We can see challenges from digital transformation, from strategy to infrastructure, and must apply new ways to solve problems. . FPT has been developing the FPT Cloud platform specifically for Vietnamese businesses with strong infrastructure and leading experts to help businesses transform digitally. At FPT, we believe that the Future is as a Service on e-Infrastruture model, that is, the service model on digital infrastructure will be the answer for all businesses.”

FPT’s electronic ecosystem exhibition space at Industry 4.0 Summit

In the digital infrastructure development strategy, the government focuses on 5 main areas: Agriculture, digital health, education and training, e-commerce and online tourism. Agriculture is one of the bright spots in Vietnam’s economic picture, however, recent years have still witnessed a downward trend of the industry.

Therefore, Vietnam’s agricultural industry needs to take steps to increase efficiency in farming and production to catch up with market trends and at the same time develop beyond the target of 3.84%/year. Digital transformation will be the foundation to support this process.

At the symposium “Digital transformation of agriculture – rural areas in the process of industrialization and modernization to 2030, with a vision to 2045”, Mr. Le Vu Minh, Director of Strategy and Innovation consulting division According to FPT Digital, “The trend of digital transformation is creating opportunities for agricultural products to have a breakthrough: relying on increased automation to improve productivity, transparency of information to enhance value. , targeting the high-end markets. The value from the number inside the product is an important factor to help raise the selling price of agricultural products. The digital transformation of the agricultural sector requires synergistic participation from many parties, in which the subject is agricultural producers (farmers, agricultural enterprises)”.

In addition to thematic seminars, within the framework of the Forum, a virtual exhibition with technology experience areas will take place, giving attendees the opportunity to directly use virtual reality technology, interact and interact with intelligent robots…

Accordingly, FPT brought to the exhibition FPT Cloud, Basework+, Digital Transaction Solutions Suite (including FPT.eContract, FPT.eInvoice, FPT CA, FDA)…

Overview of Industry 4.0 Summit exhibition space

Over the past 25 years, FPT has been a pioneer with government agencies, industries and businesses in applying and building IT solutions in many fields such as infrastructure, Internet, education – training, healthcare. , government…

With technology capabilities, a comprehensive ecosystem of solutions, products and services, and a system of partners who are leading technology groups leading the trends of the Industrial Revolution 4.0, FPT is committed to continuing to work together. accompanying the journey to promote industrialization and modernization of the country in the digital era.

Source: baodautu

Link: https://baodautu.vn/fpt-hien-ke-day-manh-chuyen-doi-so-linh-vuc-ha-tang-va-nong-nghiep-tai-industry-40-summit-d155820.html


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